Monotonous madness

16 Apr

It has come to my attention I have not posted on this blog for over a month now. This is interesting to me as we have just finished a 6 week trip with the owners. You would think I have lots to say, right? Wrong!

The strange thing is, nothing really happened during this trip. Sure there were the day-to-day happenings like making beds, serving dinner, and moving the boat, however, these activities tended to stay the same daily. We literally did 6 weeks straight with no diversion from the ordinary.

I struggle to understand why our owners have a yacht in the first place. Here is where I am confused.

Firstly, the owner’s wife doesn’t like the ocean, neither do their kids, so they never swim or use the boat for its on-water appeal. Actually, the only person who does swim off the boat is the owner himself. The rest of the family stays away from the water. Apart from the fact you are on a boat, you would never really know you were on the ocean.

‘So, what do they do?’ I hear you ask. Well, the owner and his family love to play cards. They will happily sit all afternoon, playing games and  listening to music.

Breakfast is at the same time every morning, as is their lunch, even dinner. At 5pm each day, they will have a drink or two. Not before this, ever. 5pm is when they drink, yet everyday, the same conversation is had between the stews and owner.

“Would you like a glass of wine now, Sir?” we say.

“Ah, what time is it?” he says as he looks at his watch. (It is always 5pm when we ask).

He pauses, does a little questioning look, then says, “Okay, I think that would be good.”

Everyday. Every single day, this is the way the conversation goes.

While they eat their meals, the other stewardess and I clean the cabins. When it is just family, even these moments provide nothing interesting to blog about. The owner’s daughter has a lot of hair, so this gets all over the bathroom, but really that is not too interesting! Some of the sisters’ came onboard and had a big stash of chocolates in a drawer which they ate their way through; again, not so interesting.

Did you know we iron the sheets on the mattress when we make the bed everyday? Now this is a good what the bleep moment, but again, this is not big enough for a separate blog post. I am thankful everyday my cabin cleaning buddy is so fun. She is great at her job, but like me, doesn’t actually take cleaning seriously (it is not our life) so we manage to have a lot of laughs together as we make beds, clean showers, and scrub toilets.

As you can see, it was a six week trip of nothing but monotonous days. It did my head in actually, doing the same things everyday. But, the trip is over now and I am slowly coming back to life. Never-ending moments never seem so bad when you look back at them. You get through it, then it’s over. We are now back in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I absolutely love being here. When we are here, the owners aren’t on, so we basically do monday to friday, 9 – 3ish. We have freedom, so we can leave the boat when we aren’t working and have time to ourselves. I shouldn’t say this, but my favourite moments of yachting are when the owners are not onboard.

Until next time. Ahoy me maties! x

2 Responses to “Monotonous madness”

  1. Cheoy Lee September 20, 2013 at 7:06 am #

    Sorry to hear it wasn’t the most interesting trip of your life! Some people aren’t very adventurous are they?

  2. Alex November 6, 2015 at 6:56 am #

    The life of the extremely wealthy sounds tiresome! Thanks for sharing – apologies if this comment comes through as well as the first – not sure where it went to be honest :p

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